Our services begin with a bell tone and music as we begin to center ourselves for an hour of spiritual deepening and renewal. That hour will typically include a blend of music, story, spoken message, and silence that draws us into a shared experience of the sacred. The sermon or message for the day invites those present to reflect on our deepest values, who we are called to be and how we might help heal the world and our own spirits. You can also watch previous services to learn more.
Babies and small children are welcome to stay with their grownup(s) or can go down to our staffed nursery at any time. We offer religious education programming for preschool through elementary age. We strive to make our worship services relevant to people of all ages, so children and youth are welcome in the service. We also have coloring sheets and fidget items for anyone to use during the service. Please see our Children & Youth page for more info. Also, feel free to come a few minutes early so you can go downstairs and meet the teachers.
Many people wonder about appropriate attire. We see the full range of clothing, from cozy old sweatshirts to dresses or ties and everything in between. We care more about you than what you are wearing; please dress as you feel most comfortable.
Each week UUFN gives away half of what is placed in the offering baskets (unless marked "pledge") to a non-profit organization working to create transformation or relieve suffering. The weekly offering is part of our own spiritual practice of sharing our abundance with our community and the greater world. Visitors are welcome to contribute but should not feel obligated to do so.