January 2025

Monthly Theme: The Practice of Story
For the Zoom link for services, please email revsara@uunorthfield.org

January 5th - “The Stories We Tell”
Rev. Sara Smalley

Stories are not meant to live inside of us; they are meant to be told. This is true for us both as individuals and as Unitarian Universalists. Join Rev. Sara for an exploration of the stories of our lives and the stories of our faith, and what happens when we share them.

January 12th - “Childish vs. Childlike ”
Janet Scannell

Janet will share thoughts and stories illuminating childish and childlike qualities that we have all experienced. These qualities and their importance may ebb and flow over a lifetime and based on our life circumstances. Spoiler alert, the sermon will be very affirming of finding the "childlike" in yourself now and always.

January 19th - “Changing the Narrative”
Rev. Sara Smalley

Our culture says: make money, fit in, look out for yourself. Our faith counters: create justice, be authentic, look out for each other. Join us for this service the day before Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day and the presidential inauguration as we consider how we are called to change the national narrative away from a story of exploitation and fear to one of interdependence and love.

January 26th - "How UUFN-ers Built Community"
Bill McGrath

In trying to make the world a better place, we often begin with community-building. Bill McGrath will present short stories written by members of UUFN who have been involved in bringing people together towards a common purpose.